Snowmobiling is fun for the entire family. However, the minimum age to ride on a Snowmobile is 5 years old. Sled operators must be at least 16 years of age with valid driver’s license. Those under 18 are required to have written parental (or legal guardian) consent.
Double-rider sleds have a 450-lb. weight limit.
All tours include D.O.T.-certified helmet, snowmobile, and guide.
The ride is a blast. Although we advertise the ride as a scenic tour, we cover a lot of ground and ride up to almost 9,000 ft.
At lake level, annual snowfall averages 125 inches. At alpine skiing elevations, the snowfall averages 300 to 500 inches each year.
Snowmobile tour departs from Zephyr Cove Resort at 760 U.S. Hwy 50, Zephyr Cove, NV 89448, arrive 1 hour early from departure time.